Veterans and Osteoarthritis: Navigating the Pain to Pain Relief

Veterans and Osteoarthritis: Navigating the Pain to Pain Relief

Arthritis is the leading cause of work disability among US adults, with an estimated 25.7 million American adults limited in their daily activities due to arthritis. This number is expected to grow to an estimated 35 million by 2040. While arthritis can affect anyone, it is highly prevalent among US veterans. Over 1 in 3 veterans (35%) have been diagnosed with arthritis, the #2 leading cause of medical discharge from active duty.

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Understanding Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: What is it, Why Does it Occur, and How to Treat It.

Understanding Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: What is it, Why Does it Occur, and How to Treat It.

It is thought that between 44% and 65% of all shoulder pain complaints are related to Shoulder Impingement Syndrome. If you have never heard of this condition, there is no need to fret. It is a common condition and easily treatable with the help of your healthcare provider. However, we are here to answer your questions while you are waiting for your appointment.  

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